
There is 1 company which matches your search
GBST Wealth Management Ltd
Linen Court, 8th Floor, 10 East Road, London , N1 6AD

Robert DeDominicis, Chief Executive Officer
+44 (0) 20 7613 8800
GBST offers next generation technology solutions to the global financial services industry.

GBST has more than 25 years’ experience delivering the innovation in technology that people saving and investing for their future need, in the UK and around the world.

We have brought leading-edge technology innovation to the UK pensions and platforms markets and our solutions are used by many high-profile businesses to give them a vital competitive edge in a rapidly changing market.

GBST Wealth Management provides technology to major pensions and platform providers and administrators including Aegon UK, Alliance Trust Savings, AJ Bell, Barnett Waddingham, Fidelity and Novia to deliver cost savings while improving efficiency and service delivery.

GBST has offices throughout Australia, in London, New York, Hong Kong and Singapore.