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About us

FStech Magazine

FStech (formerly FST) is one of the leading business titles for IT decision makers in the UK and European financial services sector. The title has an ABC certified circulation of 11,500 IT decision makers within banks, building societies, insurers, trading houses, exchanges and other financial institutions.

A staggering 83% of our readers have individually requested to receive regular copies. Requests to receive FST have increased significantly year on year for the last 4 years, therefore demonstrating the value of the publication within the sector.

FST publish six issues per year, ensuring our readers are up to date with all the latest news and developments within the sector.

Daily news updates are also available at www.fstech.co.uk

Retail Systems Magazine

Retail Systems is the leading technology title for the UK retail sector. The key to this success lies in delivering an excellent editorial product and targeting it accurately at this key market. Retail Systems bridges the gap between the purely technical journals and the more business-issue led titles. With a sector specific focus, it not only covers the latest developments in technology, but also talks about the way that technology is changing the world in which our readers live and work.

Further information at: www.retail-systems.com

About the organiser/publisher

Perspective Publishing produces magazines, information and events for various industries, including retail, financial services and pensions.

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